
The advent of microfiber terry cloth marks a major technological leap in the textile industry. It cleverly combines the high hygroscopicity of microfiber with the softness of terry cloth. Notable benefits of this material include excellent water absorption, softness, durability and quick drying, making it ideal for performance and comfort in a variety of applications. Whether it's home cleaning, personal care, car maintenance or fitness activities, microfiber terry cloth provides unparalleled results and comfort. While enjoying the convenience it brings, we should also pay attention to its impact on the environment to achieve more sustainable development goals.

Additional Information

What is Microfiber Terry Fabric?

Microfiber terry fabric combines the best of microfiber and terry cloth, offering excellent absorbency, softness, and durability. Made from ultrafine synthetic fibers such as polyester and polyamide, it features a terry surface that enhances its ability to absorb and capture liquids and dirt.

Key Features

High absorbency: Microfiber terry's design combines dense microfibers with a unique terry structure, giving it exceptional liquid absorption. The material can hold far more water than its own weight, making it an unparalleled advantage in the manufacture of towels and cleaning supplies.

Soft and comfortable: Microfiber terry feels super smooth. Its fine fibers and small terry loops make it feel particularly comfortable and gentle, making it particularly suitable for personal care items such as bathrobes and towels.

Durability: This fabric is simply the epitome of ruggedness! It not only easily handles the challenges of countless washes and long-term use but also always maintains excellent performance and perfect shape. Whether used in home or commercial settings, its long service life proves its extremely high cost-effectiveness.

Quick Drying: Microfiber terry cloths dry quickly because the material quickly sheds water. It also repels some water, and its peculiar design allows it to evaporate water quickly, reducing the possibility of mold and odor.

Effective Cleaning: What makes microfiber cloth peculiar is its design of tiny threads and loops. This design makes it much more powerful than cotton or other materials in grabbing dust, dirt, and water. It is particularly suitable for cleaning because it can get into those narrow cracks and remove all the dirt.


Home Cleaning: Microfiber terry cloths are widely used to clean surfaces, windows, and floors. They can capture dirt and absorb liquids, making cleaning more efficient, requiring less effort and fewer chemical cleaning agents.

Personal Care: Towels, bathrobes, and washcloths made of microfiber materials bring a comfortable experience to users. These products are known for their excellent water absorption ability and soft feel, especially suitable for use after bathing or showering.

Car Care: In the field of vehicle maintenance, microfiber cloths are regarded as the material of choice for car detailing. This cloth is gentle on car paint and can effectively remove wax, polish, and dust from the surface while avoiding any scratches on the car body.

Sports and fitness: Fitness towels and yoga mats made of microfiber terry cloth are favored for their quick-drying properties and sweat-absorbing ability. They help keep users comfortable and dry during exercise.

Environmental considerations

Microfiber terry cloth is indeed very useful, but we have to be aware of the problems it may cause to the environment. When washing, those diminutive fibers may fall out and then flow with the water, and finally become microplastic pollution. In order to reduce this risk, it is recommended to use microfiber filter bags to wash related products, use liquid detergent, and avoid adding softeners that may damage the performance of fabrics and shorten their lifespan.